Screen Talent Europe Meet-Up i Berlin 8/2
Friday February 8, 2019
It would be a great opportunity for your talents, network, etc to meet up:
The Nordic Embassies//Nordische Botschaften
Raushstrasse 1
10787 Berlin
13.30 Screening and presentation of talent works
14.30 Reception, networking, mingling, speeches, DJ, lounging, bobles
17.30 End of reception
This is a major opportunity for emerging film makers to go to a film festival maybe for the first time, to create a network, benefit and understand the possibilities of Screen Talent Europe better, looking at the future projects I.e. Galway 2020, The German-Danish Reunion Jubilee in 2020
Please spread the invite in your network - and please remember to SIGN UP for the event.
Kind regards,
Screen Talent Europe
Karen Qvist Rørsted